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Kavtreva Alevtina


Problem 1.

How to give a plan of sales to the trading agent, who actively looks for new Clients, when not only the number of Clients is important but also their “significance”, which is not easy to formalize?

Problem 2.

How to proceed in stimulating agents who are looking for new customers, if the first transaction is not indicative? Large customers may well make small trial orders…

Problem 3.

What should be done if we found only a few Clients for the month and on top of that, any Client can suddenly pass a large order (it would not be proper to include that in our plan)? That is, to wrongly set up the target income twice or even 20 times(!) is very easy in such a case.

Problem 4.

What is to be done in those situations when it is important that the agent not only aims at getting a big revenue from a newly found Client but also tries to sign a contract for more favorable terms for the company on deferred payment.

We shall collect 4 challenges in one salary...


It is often said that: “I shall pay on end result!.." And just as often we get puzzled with: “Yes, but there are many of them (the results)…” What should we do?

Consider each one? How to “tie” each to one salary then. Outline the “main rating” from several? Which sign should be put between them?

And later. When there are the result criteria of several individuals, how shall we not allow each one to “dissolve” in this “general evaluation” and how shall we NOT “pick” one instead of the other? How shall we not let the opportunity pass, when the employee goes on “retirement” when a big deal is “struck”?

What shall force the employee to constantly “keep” a good level? And what shall be done when the employee “stopped short”, and he feels that the punishment is too severe?

This is what Alevtina Kavtreva and Ksenia Tkalich will discuss about.


Shortcoming 1. (from nine)

Not considering the fact that the turnover and the work-load are not interconnected. Consequently,

1.1.  A huge one-time (sometimes sudden) “turnover-making” order, does not bring further work-load, but the salary increases and as a result the employee relaxes.

And on the contrary. When the main work with the long-waited Client just begins, and new applications are not forecasted, the employees wants to “lawfully” know: why their salaries “fall” as compared to the last “profitable” month, though they are trying harder and wasting more time.

1.2. The employee unconsciously begins to dislike cheap products and services, tries to run away from working with them and consequently does the same in regards to Clients who buy such products. Thus, in some shops, at the tea/coffee (conditional) grinder stands, you might not at all find salespeople (unlike, for example, at the projection TV stand).

As a result, the bonus is "not transparent". The relation between salary and work efficiency is lost.

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